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Creating a usable Bot


The enpoints listed below assume that the base url is that of UCI-API service.


Before you begin, you must have the necessary credentials for the platform you are creating your bot for. Take a look at supported channels and providers to get details about how to generate credentials for your selected channel and provider.

Setting Secret Credentials

Once you are ready with the credentials for your provider, you need to send these credentials to Bharat SahAIyak. Here's how you create secrets.

/admin/secret Create a secret credential


AuthorizationStringYESJWT token of the logged in user.

Request Body

variableNameStringYESThe name of the secret which identifies the secret. Can be anything of your choice (only alphanumeric characters without spaces).
secretBodyJSONYESThe credentials that you want to create in a JSON format (key-value pairs).

Curl Request

curl --location 'UCI_API_BASE_URL/admin/secret' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"variableName": "myTestVariable",
"secretBody": {
"var1": "val1",
"var2": "val2",
"var3": "val3",

Keep the variableName handy since we'll use that in later steps.

Setup Adapter

Once you have your secrets set up you need to create an adapter object for your bot or use an existing adapter that you might have already created. Skip this section if you already have an adapter which you want to use.

/admin/adapter Create an adapter instance.


AuthorizationStringYESJWT token of the logged in user.

Request Body

nameStringYESThe name of the adapter. Can be anything of your choice (only alphanumeric characters without spaces).
channelStringYESThe channel that you want to use the bot on, for example, Whatsapp, Pwa, etc. To get a complete list of supported channels take a look at supported channels.
providerStringYESThe provider that provides you messaging services, for example, gupshup, twilio, etc. To get a complete list of supported providers take a look at supported channels.
configJSONYESAdapter config which contains meta data.
config.credentialsJSONYESCredentials for the provider that is being used. See Setting Secret Credentials for details.
config.credentials.variableStringYESThe secret name for your credentials. See Setting Secret Credentials for details

The channel and provider values are case-sensitive and 'must' be used as listed in supported channels.

Curl Request

curl --location 'UCI_API_BASE_URL/admin/adapter' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "TestAdapter",
"channel": "Whatsapp",
"provider": "Gupshup",
"config": {
"credentials": {
"variable": "YOUR_SECRET_NAME"

Keep the generated adapter id handy since we'll use that in later steps.

Setup Transformer

A transformer is what defines the logic of the bot. Skip this section if you already have a transformer which you want to use.

/admin/transformer Create a transformer instance.


AuthorizationStringYESJWT token of the logged in user.

Request Body

nameStringYESThe name of the transformer. Can be anything of your choice (only alphanumeric characters without spaces).
configJSONNOConfig attached to a transformer.

Curl Request

curl --location 'UCI_API_BASE_URL/admin/transformer' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "TestTransformer",
"config": {}

Keep the generated transformer id handy since we'll use that in later steps.

Setup Conversation Logic

A conversation logic binds an adapter with a transformer config. It also defines a logic definition which governs how a message flows throught the system (How different types of models are used and in what sequence). Skip this section if you already have a conversation logic which you want to use.

/admin/conversationLogic Create a conversation logic instance.


AuthorizationStringYESJWT token of the logged in user.

Request Body

nameStringYESThe name of the conversation logic. Can be anything of your choice (only alphanumeric characters without spaces).
descriptionStringNOThe description of the conversation logic.
transformerStringYESThe id of the transformer that you want to attach to this bot. See Setup Transformer for creating a transformer.
adapterStringYESThe id of the adapter that you want to attach to this bot. See Setup Aadapter for creating a new adapter.
logicDefJSONYESThis is the xstate config which governs the flow of a message in the system.

Curl Request

curl --location 'UCI_API_BASE_URL/admin/conversationLogic' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "TestBotLogic",
"description": "This is a test bot logic",
"transformer": "ce6afffa-1d5f-4748-8f25-37a1d9caa91b",
"adapter": "656a23e8-96c0-4b40-8bfa-816bbbfbbfea",
"logicDef": {}

Keep the generated conversation logic id handy since we'll use that in later steps.

Setup User Segment (Optional)

A User Segment is a config which binds a bot to a group of users. After a bot is bound to a user, the access to this bot is restricted to only that group of users which a User Segment defines. Apart from this, a User Segment is required if you want to broadcast a message to a group of users. Skip this section if you want your bot to have public access or already have a User Segment that you want your bot to bind to.


For binding a bot to a User Segment, an external User Managment Service is required to be up and running. The Bharat SahAIyak repo provides a demo User Management Service, but it should not be used for production systems. You can create your own User Management Service by following the guide here.

Once you have the User Management Service setup, you need to create a User Segment instance.

/admin/user-segment Create a user segment instance.


AuthorizationStringYESJWT token of the logged in user.

Request Body

nameStringYESThe name of the user segment. Can be anything of your choice.
urlStringYESThe url of the external user management service. See prerequisite section for details.
categoryStringYESThe catergory of the user segment. Can be anything of your choice.

Curl Request

curl --location 'UCI_API_BASE_URL/admin/user-segment' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "User Segment Test",
"category": "Whatsapp"

Keep the generated user segment id handy since we'll use that in later steps.

Creating a Bot

Now that we have all the things required, its finally time to create a bot instance.

/admin/bot Create a bot instance.


AuthorizationStringYESJWT token of the logged in user.

Request Body

startingMessageStringYESThe starting message of the bot with which it can be triggered. can be anything of your choice, but it must be unique within an org.
nameStringYESThe name of the bot. Can be anything of your choice (only alphanumeric characters without spaces).
startDateStringYESThe start date of the bot in (yyyy-mm-dd) format.
endDateStringYESThe end date of the bot in (yyyy-mm-dd) format.
logicStringYESThe id of the conversation logic that you want to attach to this bot. See Setup Conversation Logic for creating a new conversation logic.
usersStringNOThe id of the user segment that you want to attach to this bot. See Setup User Segment for creating a new user segment.
descriptionStringNOThe description of the bot. Can be anything of your choice.
purposeStringNOThe purpose of the bot. Can be anything of your choice.
statusenabled/disabledNOThe current working status of the bot.

Curl Request

curl --location 'UCI_API_BASE_URL/admin/bot' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_JWT_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"startingMessage": "start test bot",
"name": "TestBotName",
"startDate": "2024-01-20",
"endDate": "2026-09-20",
"logic": "3f0c937a-a961-42db-a5cd-c17f3b417b5c",
"users": "ce6afffa-1d5f-4748-8f25-37a1d9caa91b",
"description": "Description of this bot",
"purpose": "Purpose of this bot",
"status": "enabled"

After creating a bot you will get a bot id as a response. Store this id somewhere and follow the steps described in the specific channel + provider guide to configure your bot here.