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Supported Transformers

This page lists down all the supported transformers that currently exist in Bharat SahAIyak along with a guide on how to use them.

Generic Transformers

Code Runner Transformer

This type of transformer is capable of running custom JS code in an isolated environment. The XMessage is also passed as a global variable which can be accessed using $0, inside the JS code. The XMessage is provided in the form of a stringified JSON of XMessage. The code may only modify the XMessage.payload and XMessage.transformer.metaData part of the XMessage. The code 'must' return a response XMessage in stringified format regardless of whether the XMessage was modified inside the code or not.

Config Parameters

codeStringYESThe code to execute in the runner.


onSuccessStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when GET request successfully completes. By default this jumps to global 'done' state.
onErrorStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when GET request fails. By default this jumps to global 'error' state.

Example Usage

In this example code runner takes in XMessage, and modifies msg.payload.text to value modifiedMessage.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "CODE_RUNNER",
"config": {
"code": "const msg = JSON.parse($0); msg.payload.text = 'modifiedMessage'; return JSON.stringify(msg);"

There is a hard limit of 64MB of memory provided to the runner.

HTTP GET Transformer

This type of transformer does a simple GET request, given a url, query string and headers. If the request completes successfully, it attaches the response of the request to the metaData.httpResponse property of the XMessage. If the request fails, it throws an error with the failed response code.

Config Parameters

urlStringYESThe url of the endpoint for GET request.
queryStringNOThe query string for the GET request starting with '?'.
headersJSONNOThe headers for the GET request.


onSuccessStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when GET request successfully completes. By default this jumps to global 'done' state.
onErrorStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when GET request fails. By default this jumps to global 'error' state.

Example Usage

This given example below performs GET request on url with query ?myval=val&myval2=val2 and headers {"header_one": "header_val_one"}. Which on success sets metaData.httpResponse to the response from request.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "HTTP_GET,
"config": {
"url": "",
"query": "?myval=val&myval2=val2",
"headers": {
"header_one": "header_val_one"
"states": {
"onSuccess": "2",
"onError": "3"

HTTP POST Transformer

This type of transformer does a simple POST request, given a url, request body and headers. If the request completes successfully, it attaches the response of the request to the metaData.httpResponse property of the XMessage. If the request fails, it throws an error with the failed response code.

Config Parameters

urlStringYESThe url of the endpoint for POST request.
bodyJSONNOThe request body of the POST request.
headersJSONNOThe headers for the POST request.


onSuccessStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when POST request successfully completes. By default this jumps to global 'done' state.
onErrorStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when POST request fails. By default this jumps to global 'error' state.

Example Usage

This given example below performs POST request on url with headers {"header_one": "header_val_one"} and body {"body_one": "body_val_one"} . Which on success sets metaData.httpResponse to the response from request.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "HTTP_POST",
"config": {
"url": "",
"body": {
"body_one": "body_val_one"
"headers": {
"header_one": "header_val_one"
"states": {
"onSuccess": "2",
"onError": "3"

Field Setter Transformer

This type of transformer can set fields of XMessage provided. This takes in setters key as JSON which is in the format of Record<string, string>. This defines the fields that need to be set, where the key is the parameter which needs to be set in XMessage and value is the parameter in XMessage which should be used as value. If value is a normal string or JSON, the value will be used directly, if the value is enclosed in {{}} like {{xmsg:payload.text}} or {{history:payload.text}}, it will be extracted from XMessage or from the most recent history message respectively.

Config Parameters

settersJSONYESJSON in Record<string, string> which defines the fields that need to be set in XMessage.


onSuccessStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when transformat sets values to XMessage successfully. By default this jumps to global 'done' state.
onErrorStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when field setter fails to set values to XMessage. By default this jumps to global 'error' state.

Example Usage

This transformer sets payload.text field of XMessage to transformer.metadata.httpResponse.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "FIELD_SETTER",
"config": {
"setters": {
"payload.text": "{{msg:transformer.metadata.httpResponse}}"
"states": {
"onSuccess": "2",
"onError": "4"

LLM Transformer


Config Parameters

modelStringYESOPENAI Model GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4 etc.
outboundURLStringNOEndpoint of service which sends message to end user. Required if enableStream is set to true.
bhashiniUserIdStringNOuser id for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
bhashiniAPIKeyStringNOAPI key for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
bhashiniURLStringNOBase url for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
providerStringNOLLM API provider (optional), default is openAI
languageProviderStringNOProvider service to be used.
promptStringNOLLM prompt, priority would be to use xmsg.transformer.metaData.prompt, if this null then the value passed here will be used.
corpusPromptStringNOSpecific instructions on corpus.
temperaturenumberNOThe sampling temperature, between 0 and 1. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
enableStreamBooleanNOboolean which allowes user to get streaming responses if enabled. By default this is set to false.
outputLanguageStringNOStream output language. Defaults to 'en'.



Example Usage


"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "LLM",
"config": {
"APIKey": "****************",
"model": "GPT-4",
"prompt": "How to grow wheat?"
"states": {
"onSuccess": "2",
"onError": "3"

Neural Coreference Transformer


Config Parameters

promptStringYESGPT prompt used to get coreferenced output.
APIKeyStringYESopenAI API key.



Example Usage


"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"config": {
"prompt": "Azure",
"APIKey": "****************"
"states": {
"onSuccess": "2",
"onError": "3"

SQL Query Builder Transformer


Config Parameters

APIKeyStringYESopenAI API key.
modelStringYESOPENAI Model GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4 etc.
xlsxIdsStringYESlist of excel ids to search from.
outboundURLStringYESEndpoint of service which sends message to end user.
outputLanguageStringYESstream output language.
excelParserURLStringYESBase url for excel parser.
bhashiniUserIdStringYESuser id for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
bhashiniAPIKeyStringYESAPI key for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
bhashiniURLStringYESBase url for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
promptStringNOLLM prompt. (optional)
temperatureStringNOThe sampling temperature, between 0 and 1. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. (default: 0)



Translate Transformer

This transformer can be used to translate a text from one language to another based on the provided config. By default it translates the payload.text field of the current XMessage. If the process is completed successfully, it replaces the value of payload.text with the translated text as well as saves the translated text in xmsg.transformer.metaData.translatedQuery. Config Parameters

providerStringYEStranslate service provider (Bhashini
inputLanguageStringYESInput text language. If not provided, xmsg.transformer.metaData.inputLanguage will be used. Defaults to en.
outputLanguageStringYESThe expected output language. If not provided, xmsg.transformer.metaData.outputLanguage will be used. Defaults to en.
bhashiniUserIdStringYESuser id for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
bhashiniAPIKeyStringYESAPI key for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)
bhashiniURLStringYESBase url for bhashini (required if provider is set to bhashini)


onSuccessStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when the entire text is translated successfully. By default this jumps to global 'done' state.
onErrorStringNOThe target id of the state to jump when translation process fails. By default this jumps to global 'error' state.

Example Usage

This given example below translates input language to output language, that is from hindi to english, using the provider Azure. Supported Languages By Azure Supported Languages By Bhashini

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "TRANSLATE",
"config": {
"provider": "Azure",
"inputLanguage": "hi",
"outputLanguage": "en"
"states": {
"onSuccess": "2",
"onError": "3"

If-Else Transformers

Random Binary Transformer

This type of transformer, outputs a binary state randomly. It can either be an 'if' or an 'else'. The value of the output state is attached to the metaData.state property of the XMessage.

Config Parameters



ifStringYESThe target id of the state to jump when transformer outputs an 'if' state.
elseStringYESThe target id of the state to jump when transformer outputs an 'else' state. This is also the default state in case of an error.

Example Usage

This given example below, moves to if or else state depending on random binary output from the condition Math.random() > 0.5.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "RANDOM_BINARY",
"states": {
"if": "2",
"else": "4"

Doc Retriever Transformer

This type of transformer retrieves data chunks using provided config.url from provided list of documentIds (as config.documentIds) and save them to xmsg.transformer.metaData.retrievedChunks and also stringified version for this as xmsg.transformer.metaData.retrievedChunksStringified.

Config Parameters

urlstringYESURL to retrieve the data chunks from.
documentIdsstringYESlist of documents to search from
staticNoContentResponsestringNOBot response message incase no related docs are found, If provided, it'll be attached to the XMessage.payload.text in case no related docs are found. (optional)
topKnumberNOInt describing number of top matched chunks to retrieve. Defaults to 6. (optional)
searchAllBooleanNOBoolean Set this to true in order to seach through all docs uploaded via an organization.
logicstringNOString Type of retrieval logic that needs to be used. Accepted values: "custom"
recipeConfigJSONNOOptional JSON configuration for the search recipe. Used for advanced query customization.
thresholdnumberNOPrecentage similarity threshold.


ifStringYESThe target id of the state to jump when transformer outputs an 'if' state.
elseStringYESThe target id of the state to jump when transformer outputs an 'else' state. This is also the default state in case of an error.

Example Usage

This example given below, fetches chunks from URL, with IDs ID_1, ID_2, and saves retrieved chunks to xmsg.transformer.metaData.retrievedChunks and stringified version to xmsg.transformer.metaData.retrievedChunksStringified.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"type": "DOC_RETRIEVER",
"config": {
"url": "",
"documentIds": ["<ID_1>", "<ID_2>"]
"states": {
"if": "2",
"else": "4"

Retry Transformers

Simple Retry Transformer

This type of transformer, if attached to the error state of any transformer and outputs two states, retry which is the target id of the node that needs to be retried, or else error which is the target id of the node to jump to in case all the retries have been exausted.

Config Parameters

retriesnumberYESThe number of retries to attempt before erroring out. The default value is 0 and leads to a retry attempt not being made.
delaynumberYESThe number of milliseconds to wait before attempting a retry.


retryStringYESThe target id of the node to retry. By default this will move to global 'done' state.
errorStringNOThe target id of the node to jump to when all the retries have been exausted. By default this will move to global 'error' state.

Example Usage

This example given below, executes transformer with ID 1 for a total of 5 times. And will error out to transformer with ID 4 after exhausting 5 retries.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "2",
"type": "SIMPLE_RETRY",
"config": {
"retries": 5,
"delay": 5000
"states": {
"retry": "1",
"error": "4"

Switch-Case Transformers

Label Classifier Transformer

This type of transformer, outputs an arbitary label based on a scores of classification returned by an external API. An example of this would be, the type of mood a sentence is written in. The state outputted by the transformer is stored in metaData.state property of consumed XMessage.

Config Parameters

urlStringYESThe url of the API endpoint which returns the label scores.
promptStringYESThe input prompt to classify. Required if XMessage.payload.text is undefined. The XMessage.payload.text takes precedence over prompt if provided.
headersJSONNOHeaders for request (optional)
existingLabelStringNOIf provided, this label would always be returned regardless of highest score, unless another label passes supersedeThreshold. (optional)
supersedeThresholdnumberNOThe threshold value on and above which, a label may supersede an existingLabel. 0.95 by default. (optional)
suppressedLabelsString[]NOThe labels that should be suppressed (not considered for final result state) unless they pass the supressionThreshold value (optional).
suppressionThresholdnumberNOThe threshold value on and above which no labels will be suppressed. 0.95 by default. (optional)
persistLabelBooleanNOIf true, the label will be persisted in the metaData of XMessage. Default value if false. (optional)
minimumThresholdnumberNOIf provided, a label must reach this threshold score to be considered for final result. Default is 0. (optional)


Arbitarily generated by the transformer based on API response.

Example Usage

This example given below, classifies the prompt based by performing a POST request to url provided, and sets xmsg.transformer.metaData.state to label provided in POST response.

"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"config": {
"url": "",
"prompt": "paddy and crops",
"existingLabel": "LABEL_0",
"supersedeThreshold": "0.4",
"suppressedLabels": ["LABEL_2"]
"suppressionThreshold": 0.99,
"persistLabel": true,
"minimumThreshold": 0.6,
"states": {
"LABEL_0": "3",
"LABEL_1": "4",
"LABEL_2": "7",
"LABEL_3": "7",
"LABEL_4": "5",
"LABEL_5": "6",
"LABEL_6": "7",
"default": "6"

State Restore Transformers

User Feedback Loop Transformer

A transformer that pauses the flow of the state machine, send the user a message, and restores the state of the state machine to a node specified by restoreState field when the user responds to the message.

Config Parameters

promptStringNOA prompt to send the user to reply to. If not provided, default XMessage.payload will be used.
"logicDef": {
"id": "myTestMachine",
"transformers": [
"id": "1",
"config": {
"prompt": ""
"states": {
restoreState: "1"