Web Orchestrator
NisAI Web Orchestrator is the web version of Android Orchestrator. The web orchestrator is a PWA (Progressive Web App) developed in NextJS. It allows the user to facilitate competency based assessments on web. Web Orchestrator is primarily made up of three units:
- The Executor PWA made in NextJS
- ODK Player
- BSTT Player
Additionally, ODK Player requires a few more essential dependencies in order to work:
- Enketo Express
- ODK Central or any other Open Rosa Compliant Server
The executor is the primary layer of Web Orchestrator that handles all the business logic of the app. This includes, accepting competencies, loading different players, extracting questions, rendering assessments and finally generating the resultant record.
ODK Player
As the name suggests, this component is responsible for rendering verbal assessments which includes MCQs, passages, etc. The ODK Assessment player is responsbile for taking in the form in a format of XML and renders a offline compatible HTML form that allows users to progress through their assessment needs. It accepts the server that the form is hosted on, the form ID and a few other parameters to work. You can find more about it on this link -> https://www.npmjs.com/package/odk-player
BSTT Player
This component is responsible for carrying out non-verbal assessments such as reading comprehension, calculating how fast and with what accuracy the user can go through a passage and other similar objectives.
For more details about installation, refer to the installation guide here