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Web Orchestrator

This guide will cover up on how to get your own instance of web-orchestrator up and running to facilitate assessments.

Installation Guide

Setting up web executor

  1. Clone this repo in your local:
  2. Generate a SDK for your application through NisAI Core Service and add its configuration to the config file in the Web Orchestrator Repo (
  3. Configure your assessments, competencies and questions through the NisAI Admin Panel.

Setting up ODK Player

  1. ODK Player is already integrated in the code because we wanted to make it super fast and accessible to the users however you can modify configurations like callbacks, height, width etc. You can see more about odk-player here

Setting up BSTT Player

  1. BSTT Player is the powerful engine that powers the verbal assessment throughout the application. It takes in the reading passage and provides a visual render to allow the user to read the passage and get results around words read correctly, incorrectly, wpm etc. You can read more about bstt-player here

Setting up workflow (Enketo Express and Central)

You need to have a deployed Enketo Express and ODK Central or any other Open Rosa Compliant server to finally get it working. To do that, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo on your machine -
  2. CD in to the cloned repo.
  3. Modify default-config.json ( in Enketo Express inside packages and configure these 3 fields with appropriate values.
  • x-host: A domain name that you'd like to use e.g.
  • x-protocol: The protocol you'd like to use e.g. http or https
  • x-auth-token: Auth token for accessing forms from ODK Central or any other Open Rosa Compliant server. (This may be left blank if not required)
  1. cd back to the root level where docker-compose.yml exists and run this command - docker-compose up -d --build
  2. Wait till all containers are up and healthy

For more details about Web Orchestrator, refer to this guide here