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Nipun SahAIyak is a platform to augment education with AI. More info about Nipun SahAIyak here.

Transformation is the step of Bharat SahAIyak's AI augmentation for assessment flows where the ingested assessment configuration is transformed into different player formats for execution.

Ingested Questionnaires can then use the Transformation phase to convert questionnaries into specific player formats using the payload below. player_ids are generated when a player is created during the Generation Phase and questionnaire_ids are generated when questionnaires are ingested during Ingestion Phase.

/transform/:player_id Create Transformation

Request Body

"questionnaire_ids": ["NA0324_set_1", "NA0324_set_2", "NA0324_set_3"],

After transformation of questionnaires for a player, transformer layer then interacts with core-service to store the respective list of questionnaire_ids mapped for specific player_id and competency_id mappings, that are later used to fetch forms by the Orchestrators.

Response Body

"segments": {
"success": [
"id": 2,
"competency_id": "b5b2a68a-3ddd-462c-a79a-382a3b1ea3be",
"identifiers": [
"player_id": "e992e520-570d-444a-b0ac-603cbd89a160",
"is_active": true,
"created_at": "2024-04-18T20:34:55.373Z",
"updated_at": "2024-04-18T20:34:55.373Z"
"errors": []
"response": [
"status": true,
"questionnaire_id": "NA0324_set_1",
"comeptency_id": "b5b2a68a-3ddd-462c-a79a-382a3b1ea3be",
"questionnaire_transformation_response": [
"status": true,
"id": "NA0324_set_1"
... more player specific response fields
"status": true,
"questionnaire_id": "NA0324_set_2",
"comeptency_id": "b5b2a68a-3ddd-462c-a79a-382a3b1ea3be",
"questionnaire_transformation_response": [
"status": true,
"id": "3A2RwTBCRFVq",
... more player specific response fields

Verbal Assessments

Non - Verbal Assessments

For non - verbal assessments the transformation step of the Nipun SahAIyak assessment flow converts the generated Q&A into a format which the executing players in the Execution phase can understand.

We currently support the following transformers:

  • ODK Transformer

If there are more transformers you would like to support, please contact us or consider sending across a pull request.

ODK Transformer

If the execution phase of non - verbal assessments uses ODK Player, the ODK Transformer handles the conversion of Json responses from the Ingestion phase into ODK forms and uploads them to ODK Central for consumption in the next phase.

It has the following capabilities:

  1. Images are added at group level as well as question level.
  2. Text support is added at competency and group level.
  3. Fill in the blank is supported via text question type.
  4. Scoring is marked at competency level and is an absolute score. (We are evaluating percentage score)
  5. Groups can have any number of questions as far as absolute scoring is considered.
  6. Groups can have a combination of single_select, multi_select or text questions.
  7. Json can contain 1000s of questions and groups. Creation of sets in ODK forms will be done by our API.